Friday 3 January 2014

NSW Leads in Latest National Visitor Survey

On the back of strong results for NSW in the latest International Visitor Survey, in results released this week in the National Visitor Survey, in the year ended September 2013, NSW outperformed all other States, and notably achieved double the national average growth in domestic expenditure.

NSW was the only State in the Eastern Seaboard to record growth in visitors and nights. Sydney also leads Melbourne and Brisbane in international and domestic visitors, nights and spend.

“This is a great result for NSW and a strong reflection of the hard work that has gone into making NSW the best destination for visitors. From securing the best events to the development and promotion of tourism products, experiences and destinations, NSW is really hitting the mark,” Minister for Tourism and Major Events George Souris said.

“Areas where there have been marketing campaigns supported by Destination NSW saw significant increases in visitors, such as the South Coast, which saw a 21.1% increase in holidaymakers."

“Holidaying in NSW was a significant driver in our growth. Domestically, NSW saw a 10.4% increase in holidaymakers and a 14.3% increase in spend, driven mainly by increases in spend in Regional NSW,” Minister Souris said.

Combined International Visitor Survey and National Visitor Survey data shows that to the year ended September 2013, NSW welcomed over 28 million international and domestic visitors who stayed over 155 million nights and spent $21.6 billion in our State.

Photo: Minnamurra Rainforest Kiama on NSW’s South Coast.

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