Friday 3 January 2014

London Celebrates New Year with Galore

Stunning and incredible fireworks display lit up the centre of London as the city welcomed in 2014. Two of London’s most famous landmarks, Big Ben and the Millennium Wheel are surrounded by a sea of light as the fireworks explode around them.

All across the UK fireworks displays, light shows and other huge eye catching events are being held to mark the New Year.

Hundreds of thousands of people in London crowded into the centre of the city to watch the famous River of Fire.

Hundreds Twittered photos of the incredible display and other events that have made New Year’s Eve so special in London.

Many New Year’s Eve party-goers in London enjoyed a celebration unlike any other, with the first multi-sensory fireworks display.

A feast of fruity flavours including peach snow, edible banana confetti and orange-scented bubbles are descended on revellers at London’s celebrations.

About 50,000 revellers, in an area around the size of three football pitches, got the chance to taste and smell the party atmosphere when they flocked to the banks of the River Thames for the annual fireworks display.

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