Saturday 4 January 2014

Ethiopia named top international tourist destination for 2014 by British travel guide

Rough Guides, a leading British travel guide, has named Ethiopia as its number one international tourist destination for the year 2014.

In its top ten global destinations for the year listed in its latest edition, the publisher placed Ethiopia at the top of the list, citing its rich culture.

“This culturally rich East African nation has always been an enticing estination,” it said.

Rough Guides also made reference to the country’s growing hospitality industry saying “independent travel around the country is becoming easier thanks to a boom in small hotels and restaurants”.

Ethiopia’s legendary natural and cultural heritage was also mentioned as reasons to visit Ethiopia in the new year.

“Untouched national parks, the ancient cities of Axum, Harar and Lalibela, the world’s first coffee plantations, the largest cave in Africa at Sof Omar and the continent’s largest concentration of UNESCO sites” are attractions worth seeing, the guide says.

Rough Guides is a travel guidebook and reference publisher that is known forits critical reviews since its first guidebook was published in 1982.

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