Thursday 16 January 2014

$338m Investment To Keep Melbourne Number One

A $338 million upgrade to Melbourne Park will ensure the facility remains a world-leading venue and help grow the visitor economy, according to peak national industry body Tourism & Transport Forum (TTF).

The Victorian government will contribute more than $298 million to the $338 million upgrade of Rod Laver Arena and improved access to Melbourne Park; stage two of the precinct’s redevelopment.

TTF Chief Executive Ken Morrison said the government should be congratulated on its commitment to demand-driving infrastructure.

“Investment in this type of demand driving infrastructure, boosts jobs and business opportunities for Victorians,” Mr Morrison said.

“Melbourne Park attracts more than 2.1 million people each year and many of these are interstate and international visitors who then stay in hotels, eat at restaurants, and enjoy Melbourne’s renowned shopping and night life.

“Major events give people a reason to travel and this improved facility at Melbourne Park will make the city an even more attractive destination for visitors from home and abroad.

“The Melbourne Park precinct hosts more than 200 events each year and this redevelopment will further improve this world-class venue.

“The precinct contributes more than $420 million in economic benefits to the state every year and ongoing investment in these facilities is vital to securing major events now and into the future.

“Melbourne is one of only four grand slam host cites and this redevelopment will reinforce Melbourne’s reputation as a global sporting capital.

“The improvements, including a new bridge at the western entrance, a new central terrace, and a bigger and better garden square, will make the space more versatile and accessible.

“Hosting major events is a wonderful promotional opportunity for Melbourne and Australia as coverage is often broadcast globally.

“The new state of the art media and administration centre at the Park will ensure Australia can take advantage of these promotional opportunities

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