Tuesday 19 November 2013

German National Tourist Board Themes for 2014

Marketing for Destination Germany in the US in 2014 is centered around the megatrend of culture with a focus on towns, cities, events, UNESCO World Heritage Sites and museums. Please find below the PR themes for next year.

UNESCO World Heritage sites

Destination Germany boasts a particularly large number of world heritage sites & world natural heritage sites. Of the 962 UNESCO world heritage sites listed around the globe, just under half are in Europe, and no fewer than 38 are in Germany. In 2014, Germany’s UNESCO monuments will form the focus of a themed campaign by the German National Tourist Board (GNTB), which will position the sites prominently in the media under the banner ‘UNESCO World Heritage – sustainable cultural and natural tourism’. “As well as being an important quality marque, the UNESCO World Heritage label is a major selling point for cultural tourism from abroad,” explains Petra Hedorfer, GNTB’s Chief Executive. “For 34 per cent of cultural tourists visiting Germany, the UNESCO designation represents an incentive to travel.” The German UNESCO World Heritage Sites include churches, abbeys and palaces, parks, historic town ensembles, industrial monuments and natural landscapes.

25 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall / German reunification

1990 will forever be a defining year in Germany’s history: in October of that year the former East Germany and the Federal Republic in the west celebrated their reunification. In 2014 and 2015 the GNTB will be putting the spotlight on the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall and German reunification, harnessing the potential of this historic occasion to drive tourism. Early 2014 will see the official launch of the GNTB’s two-year campaign abroad under the tagline ’25 Perspectives on Destination Germany’. The campaign emphasizes the wide choice available to visitors in all parts of Germany: from the iconic landmarks and the rich and varied cultural scene through to the diverse natural scenery. The marketing activities are set to continue in 2015.

600 years of ecclesiastical history – GNTB focus on the Council of Constance

The Council of Constance significantly shaped the course of European history and is thought to be the largest meeting of religious figures, politicians and scholars in the Middle Ages. Between 1414 and 1418, delegates and representatives assembled in Constance to discuss the future of the divided church and to elect a new Pope. In 2014 the region surrounding Lake Constance will be leading the celebrations for the 600th anniversary of this historic event. The GNTB is actively supporting Constance in its marketing of the ’600th anniversary of the Council of Constance’. This includes different PR and press activities to introduce the theme to relevant target markets under the slogan ‘The Middle Ages brought to Life’. The GNTB and Constance Tourist Information will be working to further enhance Germany’s image as a cultural travel destination.

Influential composer – 300th anniversary of the birth of C.P.E. Bach

Born in Weimar in 1714, composer Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach was one of Johann Sebastian Bach’s most famous sons. He shaped the musical period between Baroque and Viennese classical with an oeuvre including 150 sonatas, over 50 concertante works and more than 20 settings of the Passion. In 2014, 300 years on from his birth, the GNTB will be showcasing the life and legacy of this exceptional composer to an international audience. This will be achieved through activities including taking international media representatives on a press highlight tour of sites associated with Carl Philip Emanuel Bach and providing important background information via a multilingual press portal.

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