Monday 18 November 2013

AIME Hosted Buyer numbers up for 2014

AIME (Asia-Pacific Incentives & Meetings Expo) has today announced that Hosted Buyer numbers are 46% ahead of where they were this time last year.

Jacqui Timmins, Exhibition Director at AIME and CIBTM (China Incentive, Business Travel and Meetings Exhibition) said the increase in numbers is due to the popularity of AIME’s Hosted Buyer Program as well as strong key partnerships.

“Showcasing over 750 Exhibitors from five continents, we know that AIME is an ideal event for meetings and events buyers but we have also been working to tap into new audiences via our Ambassadors, who are located around the globe,” Ms Timmins said.

“Ambassadors are senior-level industry professionals whose role is to identify and invite key clients from their region, and the key markets they work in, to attend AIME as a Hosted Buyer.”

“Our team of existing Ambassadors have been working to target the high profile buyers that our Exhibitors want to see at AIME, whilst our new Ambassadors, such as Destination Asia and Hyatt Hotels & Resorts, have been able to reach out to their networks uncovering brand new buyers that our exhibitors have not seen before at the show.”

The AIME Hosted Buyer program is 90% larger than any other in Australia, attracting top level decision makers.

Held at the award-winning Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre on 18-19 February, 2014, the event provides unrivalled business opportunities and the opportunity to network with key industry contacts at various events on offer at AIME.

According to AIME, 80% of surveyed Hosted Buyers have already confirmed business with Exhibitors they met at AIME 2013 and this year they have announced a 25% increase in the Australian Hosted Buyer target.

For more information visit

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