Tuesday 17 September 2013

Take Off for Newcastle Airport Expansion

There will be  $11.1 million in funding for the expansion of the Newcastle Airport terminal as part of the second round of the Hunter Infrastructure and Investment Fund.

Deputy Premier and Minister for Trade and Investment Andrew Stoner said the expansion will increase the Airport’s capacity and provide a strong boost to the region’s economy.

“As a busy and important regional facility, Newcastle Airport has experienced rapid growth in passenger demand for many consecutive years,” Mr Stoner said.

“Today’s announcement will allow the expansion of the existing terminal footprint by 2,600 square metres and help alleviate current capacity issues during peak operating periods.

“By expanding the existing terminal and installing facilities such as customs, quarantine and immigration, the upgrade will also pave the way for international air travel in and out of the Hunter.

“The funding will also enable the reconfiguration of the existing terminal infrastructure to include additional retail and employment opportunities.

“The NSW Government recognises the boost this expansion will bring to the regional economy and therefore considers it a strategic investment in the future of the Hunter.”

Local Member for Port Stephens Craig Baumann said the Airport expansion would be a shot in the arm for the region’s economic capacity.

“This project will enhance growth in the visitor economy in the Hunter and I am thrilled the NSW Government has been able to support it,” Mr Baumann said.

“The Airport contributes in excess of $465 million to the economy annually and supports more than 3,200 jobs, and this expansion will no doubt generate even more jobs and investment in the region.

Photo Left to right: Andrew Cornwell Member for Charlestown CB, Hon Brad Hazzard – Planning & Infrastructure, Hon Mike Gallacher – Police and Emergency Services Hunter. On tarmac at Newcastle Airport looking at drawings of terminal extension.

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