Tuesday 10 September 2013

International Travel Expo Ho Chi Minh City

The ITE HCMC 2013 has started with a Press Conference. See that empty seat in the lower left hand corner of the photo below- I could have been sitting there. However due to an unfortunate set of circumstances I am sitting in a chair in my home in Australia. I wish all the International Media Delegates a wonderful time at ITE HCMC gathering many stories about this amazing part of the world.

Please send some my way so that I can publish them in this Magazine! I hope to join you once again at next years ITE HCMC 2014. All the best for the exhibitors, delegates, sponsors, speakers and organizers at ITE HCMC 2013.

It is good to see that ITE HCMC is supporting young travel ambassadors by having a special program for them. Awesome! The ITE HCMC young travel ambassadors supporting this big event are all very ready to rock on, learn, and have fun.

Further Information -
General Enquiries -

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