Friday 9 August 2013


Forty years after Beethoven’s Ode to Joy officially opened Australia’s most famous building in October 1973, the Sydney Symphony, Opera Australia and artists from around the country will recreate the famous Opera House opening concert on the Forecourt for an audience of thousands.

The 40th Anniversary Concert on Sunday, 27 October will feature artists and performances celebrating the life of the Opera House, culminating in Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony in the presence of the Opera House’s 40th Anniversary patrons, Denmark’s Crown Prince Couple, HRH Crown Prince Frederik and HRH Crown Princess Mary, and the family of Opera House architect Jørn Utzon, including his son Jan and daughter Lin.

Sydney Opera House CEO, Louise Herron AM, said: “The Opera House is a masterpiece of creative genius that belongs to all Australians. Its heart has always been the art performed on its stages. I am thrilled that the 40th Anniversary Concert will celebrate our resident companies and bring the Opera House’s rich artistic heritage, of which they have been such an important part, to life for the people of Sydney and Australia for one night.”

The Sydney Symphony will step out of the Concert Hall, where the original 1973 concert took place, to recreate the performance for an audience of 4,000 on the Forecourt, assisted by Opera Australia soloists Tania Ferris, Bradley Daley and Michael Honeyman, and the vocal heft of the Sydney Philharmonia Choirs.

Sydney Symphony Managing Director, Rory Jeffes, said: “We are proud to help mark this significant anniversary for the Sydney Opera House in the best way possible – through music. The SSO has been honoured over the past 40 years to call the Opera House concert hall its home and we look forward to many more years of wonderful music-making under its iconic sails.”

A global audience of more than 65 million people have enjoyed performances at the Opera House over its forty-year history. Tickets to the 40th Anniversary Concert, a highlight of the month-long program celebrating the Opera House’s 40th Anniversary, go on sale to the public on Thursday 8 August, for $39-$49.

Keep up to date with the calendar of concerts, exhibitions, award ceremonies, tours and the Open Door day by visiting the 40th anniversary website:

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