Wednesday 8 May 2013

Compltimentry Wifi From Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre

In line with the Government’s call to get the federal capital all ‘Wi-Fi-ed up’, the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (the Centre) has upped its WiFi connection to 40MB to offer guests faster connectivity at no cost on a best effort basis.

“Technology and social media are having a big impact on how venues are marketing themselves and packaging their product offerings. It is becoming the norm; and not a competitive edge, for meeting delegates to expect to get their WiFi for free. As a world-class convention facility, we are committed to ensuring we do our best to meet our guests’ expectations and needs in all areas, including information technology,” said Datuk Peter Brokenshire, General Manager, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

“The great bandwidth means guests can not only remain ‘connected’ at all times and at no cost, but also enjoy faster and easier real-time access.” The Centre’s public wireless internet is available through Wi-Fi ‘hot spots’ so anyone with a Wi-Fi enabled computer can access the service. There are also complimentary internet stations around the facility for convenient on-site accessibility.

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