Saturday 9 February 2013

Healthy 6% Outbound Travel Growth Forecast for Asia in 2013


The outlook for Asian outbound tourism this year is overwhelmingly positive thanks to continued good prospects for the region’s economies. According to the IMF’s World Economic Outlook, released in October 2012, Asian GDP as a whole likely to grow by 5.4% last year and by 5.9% in 2013.

Prospects for Asian tourism in 2013 are even stronger. Only one third (32%) of Asians say the financial crisis will impact their travel planning while two thirds (68%) say they will not be affected. In 2011, slightly more Asians (36%) were impacted by the crisis.

On a similar positive note, 29% of Asians plan to travel more in 2013, up from the 26% figure of 2011. Only 16% plan to travel less, compared to 21% in 2011, while 52% plan similar travel levels in 2013 (46% last year). Taking all these factors into account, IPK predicts a healthy 6% increase in Asian outbound travel in 2013.

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