Monday 4 February 2013


The resurgence of tourism promotion, the NSW Events Calendar, the infrastructure boom in Sydney and NSW, and the Ellen DeGeneres Show filming in Sydney, were the key messages for Destination NSW during the recent G’Day USA tenth anniversary celebrations in USA.

Destination NSW CEO, Sandra Chipchase presented at the G’Day USA Australia Tourism Summit in downtown Los Angeles and presented a highly informative and motivational presentation to the North American travel industry and travel media, on the infrastructure boom taking place in Sydney and new campaigns and marketing activities to promote regional NSW leading up to 2020.

On the same day in Burbank, California, Ellen DeGeneres was announcing her upcoming visit to Sydney and inviting her whole studio audience to visit Sydney as guests of Swisse Wellness and Qantas Airways with support from Destination NSW. The response to Ellen’s announcement was instant with overwhelming interest on Twitter and Facebook.

“The US media and our travel industry partners in North America are very excited about the potential growth for Sydney as a result of the awareness and publicity generated by having a high profile celebrity like Ellen visiting and filming in Sydney,” Ms Chipchase said.

“We also received very enthusiastic responses and interest in Sydney’s new developments and infrastructure from leading US media outlets such as the Wall Street Journal, NBC Today Show, Conde Nast Traveler and Travel & Leisure.”

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