Sunday 3 February 2013

23rd Australian Scout Jamboree Scouts Returning to Lend a Hand

23rd Australian Jamboree
Scouts from across south east Queensland will return to Maryborough this weekend to lend a hand with the flood clean-up.

The group includes more than 20 scouts and their leaders from areas including Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast and one from as far as Victoria. Fraser Coast Councillor Daniel Sanderson will liaise with the group when they arrive tomorrow morning.

"They're going to camp at the showgrounds on Saturday night and spend two days helping with the flood clean up," he said.

"We'll concentrate our efforts on the CBD as that's where the scouts spent a lot of time during the Australian Scout Jamboree last month. A number of them commented what a beautiful city Maryborough is and they want to help restore it after the floods."

The idea was put forward by some of the scout leaders who attended AJ13 after they saw photos of the devastation on the news and on social media.

"They've told us they want to repay some of the hospitality shown to them during their stay on the Fraser Coast which is just fantastic," Cr Sanderson said.

The group is expected to arrive in the CBD on Saturday morning at 11am and start cleaning.

"These guys are giving up their weekend to come and help us. It's another great sign of the community spirit being shown during these tough times," Cr Sanderson said.

Tourism Fraser Coast general manager Pip Close said it was a wonderful gesture by the scouts.

"This  is such a fine example of people giving back to the community and pulling together to help those in need. We are very thankful," Ms Close said.

23rd Australian Jamboree
The Fraser Coast hosted more than 11,000 scouts for the 23rd Australian Jamboree in January.

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