Saturday 16 January 2021

Don't deliver a service, deliver experiences because they create emotions!

How do you get from point A to point B? What do you do to fill in the space between the highs and the lows? How do you solve the problems your clients have?

I am sure that in these turbulent times you have been wondering what's next? For your family, for your business for your private lives, there are so many "question marks" in our heads that we just hope we have good solutions for everything when the turmoil ends!

With everything that has been frozen for the last 10 plus months, with everything that has been taken away I know for a fact that when I do things today, it feels like something is missing. I am craving an emotional connection in everything I do. I find myself daydreaming about when this pandemic is over and knowing it is so because I will be free to do things I want to do and I will start FEELING JOY again. I want to experience life again.

The difference between providing a service and providing an emotional experience for our clients can best be illustrated this way. Remember last month when you wanted or needed something and you got on your computer or phone, searched Amazon, made a choice, and waited a day until it showed up on your doorstep in a brown box with a smile on the side. Amazon provided a convenient service for you.

Contrast that with the memory of when you were a child and you wanted something so bad that you wrote a letter to Santa sometime between Halloween and Thanksgiving. You waited and prayed every night, for what FELT like years, that Santa would agree with your self-assessment that you were indeed an excellent child all year and deserved what you asked for. Then on Christmas morning, you woke up to find it under your tree. Remember the JOY and emotions that energized your whole being? Santa and your parents worked together to provide that experience for you and the emotion and memories that were created will stay with you forever!

That is the difference between a service and an experience.

When we provide a service for our clients, even before they travel with us, we make sure they get the experience they were looking for before they got to know us. When they travel with us, they will get the emotions they have been looking for with the services we provide, and the expectation that their decision was the right one will be roundly affirmed.

We want them to crave more, we want them to experience, without hesitation, everything that we have planned for them with an open mind and soul. Because, after all, what we plan for our clients are life-changing experiences through the discovery of their senses in full form. Can you imagine enjoying dinner without tasting the meal? Neither can I. You need to have that tasting sense working or you won't have the experience you desire and deserve.

When we take our guests through an Italian journey, we allow them to experience it in full force. In the months before they travel with us, we provide our guests with opportunities to experience cooking classes, Italian language classes, discovery classes, and more. We don't spare anything for their enjoyment and education and then, when they arrive in Italy, they are treated as if they are already part of our extended Italian family as they experience the places they visit as if they are locals. Each one of our guests enjoys their own personal emotional connection to our Italy, just like an explosion of flavors in someone's mouth when tasting the most extraordinary meal.

Our Italy is this, whenever you least expect it, it happens!

If you would like to see what we've been doing and will continue to do for travel agents take a look at our Facebook group.

We receive comments, feedback and praise from clients nearly every day. Below is an example of one we received. Click on the link below to see even more!

I've been selling See Italy Travel for a few years now and want to know first-hand how you folks do things. It's obviously working. Every client I've ever booked with you has come back from Italy a "happy camper."

Just yesterday, Rumsey and Priscilla, who recently returned, dropped by my office unexpectedly to give me a de-briefing of their 2 1/2 week trip arranged by See Italy. He's a retired American Airlines pilot who has traveled the world and always made all their own arrangements.

His comments were "I could have done this myself at a cheaper rate, but it was so worth it to be taken care of from beginning to end. The hotels in Florence, Positano and Rome were out of this world and the staff everywhere we went, from hotels, to drivers, to tour guides were beyond compare. I am recommending you to everyone I know."

That's a short overview from an hour of "de-briefing."

Deb V. - Luxury Travel Advisor - ROCKY MOUNTAIN TRAVEL

Why use our company? Because our MISSION is to ensure that your clients are well taken care of and experience the "authentic" Italian way of life. We only use GENUINE Italian guides on excursions. We strive to arrange small group tours, enhancing the Italian experience which is often lost in larger groups...

See Italy Trave
P.O. Box 927268 San Diego California 92192 USA

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