Tuesday 7 July 2020

Almost half of Australians to forgo vacations in 2020 – Dynata Reopening Report

New research from Dynata, the world’s largest first-party data and insight platform, has revealed 49% of Australians will definitely not be vacationing in 2020, with only 11% stating they would still definitely take a vacation.

Dynata has released its Global Consumer Trends Reopening report which surveyed people from 11 countries including Australia about how they’re living their lives today. One of the areas it covers is global travel trends.

Prior to the pandemic 67% of Australians intended to vacation in 2020, with 21% having already booked. As a result of the pandemic many Australians said they have changed their travel plans with 45% saying they would now vacation domestically, 34% saying they will not be going on a cruise and 30% saying they would only travel somewhere within driving distance (not by plane).

Dynata’s Global Consumer Trends Reopening report - Australian travel highlights:
  • 45% of Australians stated they would be vacationing domestically but 16% are still planning to go abroad, just not to a country that has had a big problem with the pandemic. Comparably 44% of respondents from Singapore plan to still travel abroad, just not in a country that has had a big pandemic problem.
  • 44% of Australians would be comfortable staying at hotels for business reasons, following the pandemic and 34% for leisure reasons.
  • Australians using hotels for business said they would be more comfortable staying at a hotel if:
- cleaning/sterilizing equipment was made available in the room (39%)
- they had access to cleaning records (35%)
- strict social distancing was enforced in public areas (34%)
- they had the ability to pay more for a room that has not been used in the past 72 hours (30%)
  • 28% of Australians would not be at all comfortable using airlines immediately following the lifting of restrictions and only 13% would be completely comfortable. Comparably 40% of UK citizens surveyed would not be at all comfortable using airlines immediately upon reopening, and 10% would be completely comfortable.
  • 41% of business flyers said they would be more comfortable if social distancing was enforced on airline seating.
  • 44% of leisure travellers would be more comfortable if the airplane bathrooms were cleaned between each use.
Dynata has the world’s largest database of people who have opted in to provide information, opinions and attitudes on everything from car to political preferences. Sixty-two million people around the world participate in Dynata’s research.

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